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The Mariner Independent Advisor Network

Client Centered

When you look at your financial advisor and their local office, what you don’t see are the myriads of people and organizations that they have partnered with in order to provide you with the personalized financial advice that you are seeking. Behind the scenes, your advisor is likely aligned with a broker-dealer, a branch office, investment companies, technology firms, insurance agencies, research teams, and a wealth of other professionals in order to ensure that they have the support needed to help you plan for your financial future.

In addition, your advisor leverages the supplementary capabilities of The Mariner’s Registered Investment Advisor (RIA),

Mariner Independent Advisor Network, LLC. A Registered Investment Advisor is a professional advisory firm that offers personalized financial advice to clients. Often working with complex portfolio and unique needs, advisors who deliver services in conjunction with an RIA are able to provide a highly customized level of investment management strategy and consultation. Strategic Wealth Advisors Group is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, is subject to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, and has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interest of its clients.